According to ancient texts, the so-called recession that we experience is in fact a sunset followed by a sunrise. This leans on the following material proof.
If we had to design with an object the way we have been moving for the past 2000 years, an ancient Egyptian obelisk would show it. An ancient Egyptian obelisk is always a one-piece object (monolith), carved from one granite block, and not a several-pieces object assembled together, despite the small pyramid on the upper part. This should be understood as a hint.
It took us eighteen centuries, symbolized by gently oblique lines, to make slowly our way to Modern Times that start at the bottom of the small pyramid located on the upper part of an obelisk.
Then things started to move faster, much faster in a very short period of time that is symbolized by the sharp oblique lines of the small pyramid located on the upper part of an ancient Egyptian obelisk.
The shape of an obelisk deals with the pace and the pace of our evolution. The problem is that the fluent quantity of times contained in an ancient Egyptian obelisk cannot and will never be known first. This fluent quantity has to be experienced before one knows about it, and it is only once it was experienced that we may turn around and say: “-if we had to design with an object the way we have been moving for the past 2000 years, an ancient Egyptian obelisk would show it “.
And by the way, the top of an ancient Egyptian obelisk shows where the Sun is. It is very clear that somebody has already been through this.
Apollo's Disc

"Apollo threw his disc in such a way that it crossed the Universe"

Obelisk: The Pace of Times


Ankh Cross


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Metaphysics Philosophy Psychology

Metaphysics Philosophy Psychology

This book (and E-Book) has a future because it provides a better understanding about timeless matters that never fade away. It makes us aware of determinism and explains the thinking process of the psychical instances that are located in human beings. It also deals with the means of production of knowledge by giving information on how knowledge is acquired.

Furthermore, it helps making the difference between objectivity and subjectivity which, in some fields, is not easy to find and gives us the opportunity to diminish and solve the conflicts that erupt inside of us. Finally, it introduces a knowledge that can no longer be disassociated from our high-tech world.
This book is published on Amazon Kindle.
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Castor and Pollux during the Cold War

Castor and Pollux after the Cold War

Castor and Pollux after the Cold War

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